The Funders Network Event
September 22, 2020
12:30 pm-2:00 pm
Unpacking Capacity and Power-Building Funder Survey: Case Studies from the Region will share the results of the funder survey sent in March and look more deeply at some examples offered.
We have a great group of funders lined up to share how they support capacity and power-building needs of their grantee and nonprofit communities.
Register now for this funder-only webinar by September 21 to receive log-in details.
- Lisa Weinstein, Program Officer, Science and Capacity Wilburforce Foundation
- CJ Hager, Director of Healthy Communities, Vitalyst Health Foundation (PLACES Alumni)
- Mia Ramirez, Community Partner, Colorado Trust (PLACES Alumni
- Ella Fahrlander, Chief Engagement Officer, Northern Colorado Community Foundation
- Tim Stevens (Moderator), Fund Advisor for Montana and Veterans, IMWFN Steering Committee Chair, Kendeda Fund